
Are bosses marked on the map in darkest dungeon
Are bosses marked on the map in darkest dungeon

are bosses marked on the map in darkest dungeon

On the other hand, the Arbalest would much rather spend her turn using Sniper Shot. However, the Occultist is a much faster hero-with, all else being equal, an ~80% chance to act before the Arbalest-and thus a better marking hero. Both skills appear similar, applying a mark and a debuff to the targeted enemy's DODGE. Consider, for example, the Arbalest's Sniper's Mark versus the Occultist's Vulnerability Hex. That said, not all marks are created equal. One popular and reasonably effective party is the "mark party" comprising the three damage dealers above (Arbalest, Bounty Master, and Houndmaster) along with the Occultist, in some order-each hero can apply a mark, and most can deal bonus damage to marked enemies. It is recommended to pair fast mark-appliers with heroes who can take advantage of marks. Since the mark must be applied first, understanding speed is crucial when building a mark party. Of particular note is the Arbalest's Sniper Shot its ridiculously high buff to CRIT, on top of the hero's base CRIT (the highest in the game), transforms the Arbalest's otherwise middling attack into a formidable source of backline damage. This means that a mark effectively pays for itself in terms of damage, and becomes only more efficient with subsequent attacks. The Arbalest, Bounty Hunter, and Houndmaster all have skills that, at the highest level, roughly double their damage against a marked enemy. Enemies out of reach of the marking hero.Enemies with frustratingly high amounts of PROT, like Pelagic Guardians and Ghouls or DODGE, like Spitters and Rabid Gnashers.High health enemies that require multiple focused attacks to kill, like large monsters and certain bosses.Marks perform well against certain types of enemies: Mark skills by themselves do very little and require a both a marker and second attacker to deal damage to make the mark worthwhile. Fungal Scratcher's Rend The Marked (+50% Damage).Swine Prince's Obliterate Body/Obliterate Masses (+100% Damage).Large Carrion Eater's Tentacle Devour (+100% Damage).Bone Arbalist's Quarrel (+25% for Apprentice, +50% for Veteran and Champion levels).Cultist Brawler's Rend for The Old God (+50% Damage).List of enemies that deal bonus damage to marked heroes Cultist Acolyte's Stressful Incantation (Veteran and Champion levels only).

Are bosses marked on the map in darkest dungeon